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Warren Spector named director of games design grad school at University of Texas

"Having worked with the folks at UT Austin in an advisory capacity for the last year, I've become more and more impressed with the seriousness of their intent," Spector tells GamesIndustry International .

Warren Spector, the legendary developer best known for Deus Exand Thief, has a new job: director of the Denius-Sams Gaming Academy, a post-grad design school based out of the University of Texas in Austin.

. "There's a real commitment here to create something unique and excellent, delivering something the games industry needs and wants—more and better prepared creative and business leaders. I'm not making a game right now, but I feel like I'm doing something even more important—designing a program that benefits students and the games industry by helping to train the leaders of tomorrow."

Spector is already using his considerable influence to get help and opinions from industry veterans like Richard Garriott, EA CEO Richard Hilleman, and BioWare co-founder Greg Zeschuk. There are only 20 positions available for next fall, the school's first active semester, so aspiring developers should check out the school's official siteand get working on their portfolio.

Thanks, Games Industry International. Image via Gamers.vg.

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