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IGM Forum Find – Spandex Force: Champion Rising

You know what I miss some days?

Puzzle Quest . The three matching, combat system was top notch, especially when expanded in the sequel. The thing I loved most, however, was the character progression; watching and feeling my adventurer get more powerful as I crafted him through the levels and hours of gameplay.

But I couldn’t help thinking that I really wished there was some form of superhero version of a progression-driven, three-match game that I could enjoy in a genre a little closer to my heart… Oh wait, KarjaSoft just releasedfor Windowsand Android, as well as a free demofor anyone interested in trying before buying!

Spandex Force: Champion Rising is a three-match, character progression driven game set in the modern day where you craft a superhero through seven different types of mini games, four different endings and 30 different villains and super villains to fight. Is this sounding familiar? It may be because we actually have a great review of this game in our latest April issue of Indie Game Magazine. If that sounds like something you’d want to read, you can subscribe to the first issue of the magazine for free here, or even put down a paid subscription to receive the magazine all-year long. Sounds super, right?

While there is a full run down of the game available in our magazine, it should also be stated that Spandex Force: Champion Rising will soon be available on iOS, Android and Mac devices. If you’re curious in following up to date information about the production of the game, make sure to check out our forums, or KarjaSoft’s blogand Twitter!

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