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Titanfall's Titan-free Pilot Skirmish mode goes live today

What do you call a game of Titanfall without any titans?

What do you call a game of Titanfall without any titans? It's a question worthy of Bishop Berkeley, who was quite the fan of mech-based multiplayer shooters, as you may recall. Whatever you call it—'Fall', maybe?—Titanfall sans titans is now a thing, at least in the game's new Pilot Skirmish mode, added today. Wonderfully,also adds colourblind options and new burn cards to Respawn's game, while removing the penalties for joining a match late.

We went into more detail about the update last week, but the gist is that Pilot Skirmish is an 8v8 mode with no AI or big stompy robot suits to worry about. Bug fixes, tweaks, and a ton of other changes are included in the update too—you'll find the full deets at this link.

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