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Impeccable animation nails the Dark Souls 2 experience

Jameserton 's take on the middle sibling of the Dark Souls franchise is on point, whether reflecting on the Pursuer, laggy phantoms or pre-nerf thunderbolts.

We're all about Dark Souls 3these days, but a little delay is forgivable when you're animating a 15-minute, hand-drawn expression of what it is to play Dark Souls 2.

's take on the middle sibling of the Dark Souls franchise is on point, whether reflecting on the Pursuer, laggy phantoms or pre-nerf thunderbolts. Unusually for a fan-made tribute, the voice acting doesn't make me want to curl into non-existence. Coupled with the animation's masterful timing, what we have is a deliciously dry angle on a game that likes its pomp.

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