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Indie Intros: ‘Fire With Fire’

I’ve been a huge fan of the Tower Defense genre ever since the good old days of custom Warcraft III maps, so it’s always good to see a new game get released in this somewhat uncommon genre.

Fire with Fire is, as you may have guessed, a tower defense game that’s currently looking for funding for its Kickstarter campaign. As with several other recently released commercial tower defense games, Fire with Fire features competitive multiplayer. Each player picks 15 towers and 10 creeps to use against their opponent for the match before placing down those towers to form a maze. From then on, it’s your job defend your trees from your opponents creep waves while sending your own creeps out to burn down theirs.

Assuming the Kickstarter campaign is successful, Fire with Fire will be released for iOS and Android (as well as PC, Linux, OSX and Linux). Don’t worry, though, as Fire with Fire will be compatible across devices, meaning that even if you pick it up on Android and your mate gets the iOS version, you can still have fun burning each other to the ground.

The team behind Fire with Fire hopes to raise $6000 before the end of the Kickstarter campaign, so there’s plenty of time to head on over and pledge your support. Although Fire with Fire is planned to be released as a freemium title, there are still some great rewards on offer, ranging from early beta access of the game itself, to t-shirts, a copy of the soundtrack, and even the chance to design the levels, narrative and more.

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