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Titanfall director details roadmap for post-launch updates

In his Titanfall review , Chris questioned how much staying power the mech-tastic shooter would have.

, Chris questioned how much staying power the mech-tastic shooter would have. It's a legitimate concern—online shooters can be heavily populated the first week, but if your fellow players move on, there won't be anyone left to shoot but bots. Luckily, we're not the only ones worried about the game's lasting appeal. Respawn Game Director Steve Fukuda today published a roadmap of further changes and content to keep Titanfallstomping through the coming months.

offers some high-level insight to what Respawn thinks it needs to keep the Titanfall player base happy. Rather than adding significant new features immediately, the team plans to introduce "minor tweaks and fixes" to existing modes. Fukuda cites "more generous Hardpoint scoring for attacking players," "weapon balance tweaks to the Titan 44mm and Quad Rocket," and "ongoing improvements to matchmaking" as examples.

The post also specifies "convenience" features that are on the way, along the lines of the recent Party Colors addition that helps you tell your actual friends from random players, in-game and in the lobby. Fukuda says that "The next update will bring more convenience features such as: the ability to rename your custom loadouts and to make custom loadouts specific to each game mode, a way to filter your Challenges by criteria such as 'closest to complete', and displaying the final scoreboard from your previous match in the Last Game Summary so you can review the scores at your leisure in the lobby."

More meaty new content will show up at some point in the future, as well. Fukuda mentions new Burn Card sets, Titan "nose art" insignia, and, of course, the upcoming Expedition map pack. Aside from Expedition, the other updates will be offered for free to existing players.

It's a broad set of updates, but each one should help improve the game for those players in it for the long haul. We've enjoyed our experience with Titanfall since it launched in March, but will have to wait to see if these smaller improvements are enough to keep us dropping Titans in the months to come.

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