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Ubisoft Steam sale leaves bundles costing more than individual games

There's a big Ubisoft sale happening on Steam right now, but take care with your money: A strange mix of discounts means that some of the pre-existing bundles, like the Ubisoft Prime Pack or the Assassin's Creed Pack, now cost more than the total of the individual games they contain.

Ubisoft Steam sale

The Ubisoft Prime Pack, for instance, is currently 50 percent off, dropping it to $100. But half of the games in the bundle are 75 percent off (the rest are marked down 50 percent), so if you were to purchase them individually, you'd only pay $68 in total.

It's an issue that will very likely be fixed in a hurry, and we'll let you know when it happens. For now, though, keep your eyes on the prices.

Thanks, Kotaku.

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