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The PC Gamer Games of the Year 2013 award nominees

PC Gamer editors are prohibited from celebrating Christmas.

PC Gamer editors are prohibited from celebrating Christmas. For the team, the end of the year is marked by an event known as “GOTY Sleepover,” a time where we somewhat-voluntarily sequester ourselves away from our families and loved ones in the interest of a greater good: selecting the best PC games of the year. We gather in a room with a very heavy door and very little ventilation and stay there until we've reached a unanimous decision on every award category. It's a lot like the Papal conclave, but with more Cheetos.

So far, this is what we've got. These are games nominated for awards in general, not just our single Game of the Year . Consider this a short-list of the games our team loved in 2013, one we'll whittle down into proper, named awards in the coming days.

Check in each day over the holiday break to see who's victorious. In the meantime, here's our 2012 winnersand some lively year-end video conversationsabout our best PC gaming experiences in 2013.

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