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Insomniac announces Edge of Nowhere for Oculus Rift

Ratchet & Clank and Sunset Overdrive developer Insomniac Games has announced its next game: Edge of Nowhere, exclusively for the Oculus Rift.

Ratchet & Clank and Sunset Overdrive developer Insomniac Games has announced its next game: Edge of Nowhere, exclusively for the Oculus Rift. Insomniac CEO Ted Price took the stage at Oculus' press conferencetoday to announce the third-person action adventure.

"Travel to the frigid reaches of the Antarctic in search of a missing expedition," said Price. "As you venture deep into the unknown, you will encounter a surreal world which will test you. It will twist you. And eventually it may break you. You're surrouned on all sides by the unexpected, and nothing is as it seems."

Edge of Nowhere has been designed for VR from the beginning, according to Price. "It's been educational, it's been challenging, but it's also brought that thrill of exploring a new frontier," he said. Despite previously being skeptical of VR, Price says he's now a "believer."

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