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New Old Republic trailer hints at expanded race options via the Legacy System

A few days ago, Bioware released a new teaser trailer that mostly taunted us with information we've already heard.


that mostly taunted us with information we've already heard. Guildbanks? Yup. Warzones? Mmmhmm. Scaling UI? It's about time.

What we didn't expect was to see a Miraluka Sith Warrior opening a can of whoop-ass on some rusty droids. The Miraluka are a blind species who see the world through the Force, and are currently only available to Republic characters, but this particular Miraluka is dressed up like a Sith Warrior, an Empire-specific class. Could this mean that new class/race combinations are on the way?

This short-but-sweet scene appears during the segment of the video that's explaining the coming Legacy system, suggesting we may get to build that pureblood Sith as a Jedi carebear after all. The folks over at GamesRadarwere able to get Daniel Erickson, TOR's Lead Writer, to confirm that it is, "definitely a Miraluka Sith." This isn't the concrete confirmation that the race/class combo is a result of the Legacy system, but given its placement in the video and previous rumors, it's probably safe to assume that the legacy system will unlock some cross-faction races.

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