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Splash Damage reveal numbers 11 and 29, existence of new game heavily implied

Brink and Enemy Territory developers Splash Damage have with the image you see above, featuring a mysterious logo and two - count them, two!

with the image you see above, featuring a mysterious logo and two - count them, two! - instances of the numbers eleven and twenty nine. Based on the fact that we use full stops and colons to separate days from months and hours from minutes respectively, the only logical interpretation is that something important is going to happen at twenty nine minutes past eleven on the eleventh day of the twenty-ninth month. But what could it be? And, perhaps more importantly: what year?

Two possibilities emerge. The first that the Bromley-based developer has opted for an American date format and that they'll be announcing something - probably a new game - on the 29th of November, which is next Thursday. The other is that Splash Damage will be announcing something at an indeterminate point in the future when years are divided up into twenty nine months, perhaps due to an accelerated lunar orbit. But why? What could cause the moon to speed up to more than twice its regular velocity? Is it afraid of something? If the moon is afraid, what's stopping it from just running away, off into space, like in Space: 1999? I guess we'll have to wait until Thursday to find out.

In the meantime, we'll just have to speculate about that logo. PCGamesNreckon that it's a riff on Splash Damage's upcoming iThingy game RAD Soldiers, but to me it looks less like a radiation symbol and more like a compact disc trapped in a grimy yellow triangle. That's my guess, then: an objective-based team shooter where you play as 90s acid house DJs on Moonbase Alpha.

Stranger things have happened.

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