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Melt your golden wrench for charity

The guy that holds golden wrench number 31 is melting his wrench for charity.

The guy that holds golden wrench number 31 is melting his wrench for charity. He's getting together with some of the other wrench holders and doing a sponsored Australium-melting session on the 31st of August, and the 20 highest-rolling chariteers will get to join him in the server. Here's a video that sums it up nicely:

Do you know anyone with a wrench who wants rid of it but never had a suitably philanthropic reason? Do you know anyone with some money? Do you have any money? Child's Play is a charity that takes money and buys computer games with them - consoles and handhelds, mostly, for sick children in hospital. Because, let's face it, no matter how much you love PC gaming, you don't want to be rolling back your graphics drivers when you're trying not to scratch your chickenpox. Or when you're four years old. The information page is here, and just in case you're an impulsive millionaire who hates links to websites, you can donate below too.

[via Ubercharged]

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