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The Doom reverse sleeve poll has a winner

Bethesda held a poll last week to determine which of two new (less banal) images would serve as the reverse sleeve art for Doom , the upcoming reboot of the classic id Software FPS.

, the upcoming reboot of the classic id Software FPS. And the internet, as they say, has spoken.

Here it is – the new reverse sleeve cover for DOOM #VoteLikeHell. Thanks for voting! pic.twitter.com/4cZZr1wJTE March 7, 2016

More than 62,000 votes were cast, two-thirds of them for the modernized take on the original Doom cover. For the record, I cast my ballot for the other option, the subtler, more sinister “ Black Baphomet” image, but even just a few hours after the poll began, the writing was on the wall.

I bear no bitterness over the loss of my chosen champion, but I do maintain a stubborn hopefulness that the chosen reverse sleeve will become the official front cover of the Doom boxinstead, and that the second-place finisher will be made the reverse—and that the cover as it currently stands is left to fade into memory, lost amidst a hazy blur of hulking dudes with gigantic guns. Not that I expect that to actually happen, but dare to dream, right?

Doom comes out on May 13.

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