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Dungeon Defenders SDK released, Capture the Flag mode enters Pre-Alpha

For a comparatively small game released on the same week as Skyrim and Modern Warfare 3, Dungeon Defenders has done rather well - it's currently sitting pretty at number eight in the Steam charts.

dungeon defenders thumb

has done rather well - it's currently sitting pretty at number eight in the Steam charts. Well done Dungeon Defenders.

It could be set to get a lot bigger, too: developers Trendy Entertainment have just released Dungeon Defenders' SDK as free DLC on Steam. The game's cel-shaded graphical loveliness was built in Unreal Engine 3, and Trendy has included all the game's source assets in the SDK. Which is jolly nice of them.

Trendy reckons you'll be able to take Dungeon Defenders' assets and do just about anything with them, from creating an FPS to a third-person RPG. You'll also be able to tweak the game to your heart's content, or create entirely new dungeons to defend.

To demonstrate the benefits of the SDK, Trendy has also released a 16-player Capture the Flag modeas free DLC. It's currently in pre-alpha, so Trendy wants to know your thoughts and feedback as you play

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