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Tim Schafer says he'd "love to do" Psychonauts 2, Notch offers to fund it

Did you love Psychonauts?


Did you love Psychonauts? Have you often wished for a sequel that would continue Raz' adventures? You're not alone. Psychonauts creator, Tim Schafer mentions to Digital Spythat he's pitched Psychonauts 2 several times to different publishers, but "no-one has taken the bait so far."

"I'd love to do that game," he says. "But I'd have to convince someone to just give me a few million dollars, that's all."

A few million dollars? If only there were some sort of successful indie developer. One who loved the original, someone with the kind of dosh to prop up development on a sequel. Perhaps someone with a nice hat and a name that rhymes with "scotch."

Enter Notch. After reading about Schafer's attempts to nab funding for Psychonauts 2, he put forward an offer of his own on Twitter. "Let's make Psychonauts 2 happen, adding laterin a tweet to RPS, "I'm serious."

Tim Schafer hasn't responded yet. He's probably in bed, and it's just an offer for now, but what a great story it would be to see Mojang funding a second game in the much-loved Psychonauts universe.

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