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ADR1FT launches March 28 on VR and Steam

Smashed-up space station survival game Adr1ft will be releasing March 28 on Oculus Rift and on Steam.

will be releasing March 28 on Oculus Rift and on Steam. Intriguingly, Adr1ft is also billed as a Rift launch title. 'Launch' can often mean launch window rather than launch day, but it could be a hint that the first batch of headsetswill secure themselves to faces only towards the end of March.

Reports point to Adr1ft being an intrepid showcase for VR—a bit too intrepid for one BBC writerwho found herself on the verge of a panic attack when the controller was wrongly configured. Terrifying, perhaps, but that sounds like real presence, and Samuel was in awe of each airless vista he explored at GDC.

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