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Hour-long Star Wars Battlefront 3 stream shows what could have been

If you're the sort of person that likes to torment yourself with thoughts of what could have been, then you're going to love this hour-long stream of the cancelled Star Wars Battlefront 3, recorded yesterday in celebration of the series ('May the 4th be with you' and all that).

this hour-long stream of the cancelled Star Wars Battlefront 3, recorded yesterday in celebration of the series ('May the 4th be with you' and all that). It's "pre-alpha", so not the disputed"99% done" version that was axed by LucasArts - but nevertheless it appears to be (sorta) playable, if a little spotty visually. Battlefront fans can check it out here, but be sure to have your monogrammed Darth Vader handkerchiefs at the ready.

Battlefront 3 is definitely dead, along with everything LucasArts were more recently cooking up, including the moderately promising Star Wars 1313. This stream comes courtesy of Past to Present Online, via the great lidless eye of NeoGAF. Here's a random sampling of multiplayer action:

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