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King's Quest: Chapter 1 out now

Activision has today resurrected a 32-year-old game series, and—in a twist from their usual modus operandi—hasn't turned it into a modern military shooter.

King s Quest 2

Activision has today resurrected a 32-year-old game series, and—in a twist from their usual modus operandi—hasn't turned it into a modern military shooter. The first chapter of the episodic King's Quest is out now. It's called A Knight To Remember, and is available to buy in standalone and season pass form.

Here's the trailer.

"An aging King Graham reflects on a life of adventure with his granddaughter, Gwendolyn," explains the trailer's description, "taking players back to his teen years and his quest to become a knight of Daventry in King Edward’s royal guard. Discover a wondrous world full of whimsical characters, charming puzzles and perilous dangers in this fun and enchanting coming of age story."

Fun fact: it's actually cheaper in the UK to buy the first chapter and subsequent season pass than it is to buy "The Complete Collection" upfront. Chapter 1 costs £7/$10, and the season pass £24/$30—a total of £31/$40, maths fans. The Complete Collection costs £32/$40. Weird, right?

I didn't catch the King's Quest series first time around. As a kid, I didn't catch any adventure series that wasn't called Little Big Adventure. But the demo of the reimagined King's Quest made Wes excited for the future of adventure games. That strikes me as high praise indeed.

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