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Sacred 3 out August 23, first gameplay trailer released

Sacred 3 will release on August 26, publisher Deep Silver announced today.

Sacred 3 will release on August 26, publisher Deep Silver announced today. Previous games in the series developed by Ascaron were fairly standard action RPGs. Keen Games, which is developing Sacred 3, is calling this one a Hack 'n' Slash. The difference becomes obvious after you watch the frenetic action in this first gameplay trailer.

It shows off the game's Seraphim, Ancarian, Khukuhru and the Safiri, and new Malakhim characters in action, which are just fancy names to familiar classes like Barbarian and Archer. As you'd expect, each will have its own class features, unique skills, and weapons, and can be upgraded down different paths.

The announcement also revealed that at launch, Sacred 3 will offer the Underworld Story DLC, which will have players making their way to the top of a mysterious tower where they'll face a familiar character from Sacred 2.

Judging by the trailer, Sacred 3 actually looks very much like a descendant of Gauntlet, which, coincidentally, we found out Monday is being rebooted by Magicka developer Arrowhead.

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