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Compete in the tournament gaming area at the PC Gamer Weekender

What would a PC gaming event be without some virtual blood sport?

Street Fighter 5 guy

The PC Gamer Weekender, in association with EGL, will feature a heaving tournament gaming area when it opens in London's Old Truman Brewery, March 5-6. Dota 2, League of Legends, Hearthstone, Street Fighter 5 and Rocket League will all be available for you to test your mettle against fellow Weekenders.

In Street Fighter 5, it's winner stays on. In Rocket League, you'll be duelling it out. Dota 2 will be played in 1v1 solo mid mode, with the first person to score two kills or destroy a tower declared the victor, and a custom version of League of Legends will deliver one-on-one competition in Howling Abyss.

Rocket League season 2

In every game, you stand to win top loot from the folks at Lenovo and GT Omega. Tournaments will operate on a first-come, first-served basis, so be sure to book ticketsand head over to the Weekender's registration area early to guarantee a spot. The next 500 Weekender tickets are a trifling £9.99.

I'll even be playing a few Rocket League friendlies if you think you're hard enough. But no flying. Or ramming. In fact, I'd appreciate it if you didn't touch the ball at all.

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