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Win a 1-year Pro subscription to Quake Live

QuakeCon is happening right now, and to celebrate all that Quakey goodness we're giving away two one-year subscription codes for pro-level access to Id's browser-based shooter, Quake Live .

quake live thumb

. Click the jump to find out how to enter!

Update: Congratulations to our winners, elnicko and Cykio! Go forth and frag in our name.

Quake Live is still free to play, but for a modest fee you get to play without waiting in line, without ads, and with access to lots of extra goodieslike more maps and stat tracking. Win one of our two Pro keys for free, and you'll get a full year of top-tier access.

To enter, just post a comment in this thread about the best time you've had playing Quake. We'll randomly select a winner on Monday, August 16, and notify the winners through their PCGamer.com site accounts. Good luck, and happy fragging!

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