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Battlefleet Gothic: Armada announced

No! Dammit Games Workshop, I don't want to turn one of your properties into a game.

Battlefleet Gothic

No! Dammit Games Workshop, I don't want to turn one of your properties into a game. Sure, I could probably whip up a Twine ditty around my long-buried Skaven fanfic, but... well it's just better for everyone if I don't.

That's how it goes, these days, it seems—the Warhammer owner handing out their wares to anyone who drifts their way. If we're lucky, the right property gets matched with the right developer and something brilliant happens. Here's the most recent pairing in the Warhammer lottery: developer Tindalos Interactive and 40K property Battlefleet Gothic.

The result is a space-based RTS featuring ships that are... well, it's called Battlefleet Gothic: Armada. The ships are pretty gothic. Also Gothic: the bit of space you're in. Your role in the game is to take control of a fleet from either Imperial, Chaos, Eldar or Ork forces, and battle it our for control of the sector.

See below for more screenshots detailing the game's gothic credentials.

Battlefleet Gothic Armada 02

Battlefleet Gothic Armada 03

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