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Saints Row 3 and 4 are Steam weekend freebies

You already know, if you hung out with us here yesterday, that XCOM is free on Steam until Sunday morning.

Saints Row Gat Out of Hell

on Steam until Sunday morning. But what to do, you ask, if you already own XCOM and all things related? Perhaps you could give some Saints Rowa try instead.

I've always been fascinated by the way the Saints Row series evolved from a low-rent Grand Theft Auto knock-off to become a game about wreaking havoc in hell from the comfort of a mobile La-Z-Boyarmed with chain guns. And it somehow got better along the way, too: Saints Row 4 earned an Editor's Choice award in our 2013 review. (Alas, the follow-up, Gat Out of Hell, didn't fare quite as well.)

The announcementof a free Saints Row weekend didn't come with quite the same level of fanfare as that of XCOM, probably because there's not a new Saints Row game currently available for pre-purchase. But free they are, "they" being Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row 4, until 1pm PDT on September 13. During that stretch, you can score those games and all the other Saints Row releases on Steam, plus the mind-boggling array of DLC, for up to 80 percent off. The sale prices will remain in effect until September 14.

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