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Tales From the Borderlands trailer takes us back to Pandora

Gearbox's Borderlands isn't the kind of series I'd envision as the foundation for a smart, funny adventure game.

Tales From the Borderlands

isn't the kind of series I'd envision as the foundation for a smart, funny adventure game. And maybe it won't be, but going by this 'world premiere' trailer, I'd say that Tales From the Borderlands looks set to be a a very interesting twist on the hit shooter franchise.

Tales From the Borderlands is an adventure based on the shooter series being developed by Telltale, the studio behind popular episodic adventures like The Walking Deadand the upcoming Game of Thrones. Instead of playing as a vault hunter, players will alternate between Rhys, a Hyperion "suit" who aspires to be the next Handsome Jack, and Fiona, a Pandoran con artist looking to hit her biggest score ever.

As is the way with Telltale, Tales From the Borderlands will unfold over five episodes released on Steam, the Telltale Online Store, and other digital distribution platforms. No launch date has been set but the first chapter, "Zero Sum," is expected to be out before the end of the year, and the whole package will go for $25 (and presumably £19 in the UK, as The Wolf Among Us is priced).

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