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Bioshock Infinite screenshots: combat, environments, historical anachronism?

A new selection of Bioshock Infinite screenshots have been released.

A new selection of Bioshock Infinite screenshots have been released. You'll see some new environments, a glimpse of combat and the anticipatory thrill of a punching about to occur. Also, Elizabeth's got hold of a book. I don't know why I'm describing this stuff to you, because they're all embedded below.

To read too much into that last one: The Principles of Quantum Mechanics is almost certainly a loaded title hinting at some element of the game. Fun fact: Paul Dirac's book of the same title was first published in 1930, eighteen years after the game is set. A mistake? A clue? A different author? A possibly meaningless and unrelated thing that I've jumped on in an effort to say something about four screenshots? I'll let you decide.

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