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Firefall trailer shows Blackwater Anomaly, teases open beta story reveal

Red 5 Studios have pulled a special trick here: creating two different Firefall trailers and rolling them into one.

trailers and rolling them into one. There's the trailer that you hear, full of dramatic music, sombre narration, and the line, "it's a one-way ticket". Then there's the trailer that you see, which consists largely of cartoon people flying around with jetpacks, shooting things and causing explosions. It's a strangely striking combination.

It's teasing Blackwater Anomaly, the free-to-play MMO's new instance that's planned for release with the July 9th open beta. According to Red 5, it'll be the game's first story-based episode - kicking off their planned "world-story".

Pop over to the official siteif you'd like to register ahead of next week's beta launch.

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