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CCP Games teases VR frisbee combat for the Rift and Vive

EVE Online developer CCP Games is no stranger to virtual reality, having spent the past few years working on EVE: Valkyrie , a space dogfighting sim for the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PSVR.

That's not all the studio has been working on, however, and, as reported by Road to VR, the team showed off an entirely different experience at this year's EVE Fanfest; Project Arena .

A VR combat simulator for the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, Project Arena transports players to a digital arena, and asks them to hurl luminous frisbees at each other.

If it sounds a bit like Tron's neon-addled duels to the death, that's because it is, with the discs doubling as both an offensive projectile and defensive shield.

CCP hasn't revealed exactly how Arena utilizes Vive or Rift tech, aside from the fact that it makes use of Oculus' Touch controllers, but a newly released demo video does at least give us a chance to see the game in action.

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