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Greenlight To Announce Games In Smaller Batches, Quietly Approves Three New Games

From this point onward, Steam Greenlight will release “greenlit” games in smaller batches, according to a on the official Greenlight blog.

“We have decided to Greenlight a smaller batch this time, so we can move more quickly,” the post reads. “There are lots of titles getting attention, so we are likely to continue Greenlighting titles in this quicker, but smaller batch fashion.”

The post goes onto explain that the four titles (three games, one program) were selected using the same criteria, despite the smaller amount of time in between Greenlight release announcements, as has regularly been used to select the chosen titles.

Edge of Space, Papers, Please, and Veneticawere the three games released with this batch.

Steam users can continue to browse through the massive catalog of games attempting to become verified on Steam through Greenlight, on the official Greenlight website. All games which are “greenlit” will become available on Steam when completed, or through Steam’s new Early Access program, for development build releases.

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