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The Evil Within's God Mode might make you lose your head

Sometimes dumb stuff happens in video games, episode #351: in which The Evil Within's god mode leads to unintended consequences.

Normally, were a giant spinning blade to pass through the neck region, the game's protagonist would die. Here, though, he has been imbued with the power of a deity. Not an omnipotent one—one that could disintegrate the blade down to its very atoms, before reforming them into, I don't know, a nice bowl of rum and raisin ice cream. Instead, it's the kind of god that would be used as the punchline for a fable about the folly of immortality. Probably one of those old Greek ones, or something.

He has no head but the game is still playing. That's what I'm trying to say here.

The video's creator refers to it as a glitch, but, as Bethesda told VG247, it's the result of activating the immortality console command.

Why, yes, it is a slow news day. Why do you ask?

(Thanks, Kotaku.)

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