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Making Civilization VI both playable and beautiful

“Typically in a Civ game you want to see the world as a whole, so you’re pulling out a lot.

“Typically in a Civ game you want to see the world as a whole, so you’re pulling out a lot. ... You want to make sure that things are readable from that distance, and one of the ways to do that is to really put an emphasis on shape and form. It’s obviously a little more readable if you have different silhouettes to things.”

- Civilization VI art director Brian Busatti

In a new interview at IGN, Civilization VI art director Brian Busatti goes into depthin the decision-making process for the new game's art direction, explaining the practical considerations the team wrestles with, which include the game's design, fans' play-styles, and making the game ready for the modding community.

It's a worthy read for any art director who's in the midst of weighing similar concerns.

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