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PC Gamer UK January issue - Eve Online

Those lucky subscribers already know because they've heard the pleasing sound of an issue of PC Gamer UK sliding through their letterboxes, but the remainder of you will be delighted to discover that our latest issue hits shelves today.

PCG222 cover

hits shelves today. Read on to discover its secrets...

Yes, it might have released back in 2003, but the seminal MMORPG EVE Online has been evolving ever since. We sent Rich to Iceland so he could catch up on the latest from developers CCP. Turns out they've been busy and still have a five-year plan of concepts and mechanics that they're yet to implement. That's a half a decade of content folks, all deciphered by Rich's brain, using words.

But don't fret if you have no interest in space, or MMOs. We still love you. We've got our hands on the most exciting games coming to PC and written hands-on previews just for you: Crysis 2, Total War: Shogun, Guild Wars 2 , Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Batman: Arkham City all feature.

Then there's our Game Of The Year Awards . 2010 proved the PC's strength and diversity. We reward PC Gaming's new classics over 18 pages. You might be surprised at some of the choices too.

Onto the reviews; recently described by a reader as “simply astonishing”. This month you'll get our verdicts on Call of Duty: Black Ops , Need For Speed Hot Pursuit , Deathspank and more.

In our Extra Life section, Jaz searches for a wooden leg in Arcania: Gothic 4 , Tom writes a letter to God after taking Supreme Commander to the next level, and Craig feels the true stress of a Football Manager . We take a look back at League Of Legends in Update and suck all the replay value out of Star Trek: 25th Anniversary .

You can buy the magazine and have it delivered with free postage right here, but if you're the kind of person who likes getting things early, for minimum of effort, why not subscribe?

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