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Waking The Glare: Taking Immersion Beyond a Video Game

Italian developers, Wisefool Studios , have created an immersive adventure experience beyond the concept of a game, and into literature as well.

, have created an immersive adventure experience beyond the concept of a game, and into literature as well. Their game, Waking the Glares, is a first person adventure about a man named Dawnfall, who’s been thrust into a surreal world that revolves around a book. Dawnfall follows a mysterious voice that will bring him through a universe where time and space are entangled, all which is in direct relation to the mysterious book. Wisefool Studios have gone so far as to have actually written the book, which will be released alongside Waking the Glares .

Spanning over seven chapters, each chapter will feature a distinct atmosphere, and use mechanics and methods that are not found in other chapters. All seven chapters will be included in the game’s release, so you won’t have to wait months, or years, for a follow up. Specific mechanics of the game have yet to be detailed, but from the gameplay demo trailer, it seems much of the game will consist of finding items, and using them somehow within the environment. A PC demo is available here.

Waking the Glare was designed from day one with the Oculus Rift in mind. Between an actual book to read alongside the game, and fully intergrated VR capabilities, Waking the Glare is setting itself up to be a truly immersive experience.

Waking the Glare is currently on Kickstarter,and is looking for €30,000 ($37,000) to help finish the game. For a pledge of €10 ($12), you get a DRM free copy of the game and a digital version of the book (which will be sold separately upon the game’s retail release). The game is also currently on Steam Greenlight.

For more information on the studio, you can follow them on Twitterand like them on Facebook.

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