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Dying Light mod finds peace in outer space

Space may be dark, lonely and possibly filled with malevolent alien life eager to destroy mankind, but at least it doesn't have zombies.

Space may be dark, lonely and possibly filled with malevolent alien life eager to destroy mankind, but at least it doesn't have zombies. You'd be asking too much to expect a zombie-free sanctuary in Dying Light, so it's lucky modders exist to shuttle you into space for a pleasant spot of asteroid platforming.

Available on Steam Workshop, Dying Spacedoes exactly that: instead of an undead infested Harran, you're freerunning in space. The work of modder Pawciak, the map is surprisingly good looking considering how far removed the source material is, and it demonstrates how flexible the modding tools are.

Thanks to YouTuber Slenderdanfor the video, and Kotakufor the heads up.

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