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Check out this hilarious game from RuneStorm's internal game jam

Rooks Keep developer RuneStorm recently held a 10-day, internal game jam.

developer RuneStorm recently held a 10-day, internal game jam. They were so impressed (and amused) with the results they've elected to share it with an audience.

The game, Viscera Cleanup Detail , is a first-person "space-station janitor simulator," a sort of parodic take on the kinds of messes left by other sci-fi games' action heroes. Built with the Unreal SDK, the game is currently in alpha and a little rough around the edges, but charming (and gross) all the same.

Internal game jams are picking up as team-building and creativity exercises for developers, and it's interesting to see the products of these internal jams released as concepts or even prospective commercial products.

You can read more about Viscera or download the alpha here.

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