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IGM Forum Find: Immortal Fray

No matter what Disney told me, I always knew that fairy-tales had a darker side.

No matter what Disney told me, I always knew that fairy-tales had a darker side. Now, thanks to Immortal Fray , the 2.5D 1v1 fairytale fighting game by ZoneWalker Games, this had been confirmed. Luckily, the developer posted about the upcoming PC, Mac and Linux game in our very own IGM Forums, so I didn’t have to stray too far.

In Immortal Fray , fairytale characters are pitted against each other in an arena, and must defeat the other using a mixture of combos and special moves. Think Smash Bros. , but instead of Pikachu fighting Link, it’s Peter Pan fighting Captain Hook (known as Jolly James Hook in IF ). ZoneWalker has stated that there will be 24 characters included in the game, with 8 characters released at launch. The rest will be unlocked over time or provided as DLC. Announced fighters include Little Red Riding Hood, the Big Bad Wolf, Hercules and, yes, even Santa Clause.

The story behind these brawls is that “the immortal, dark sorcerer Jolly James Hook has travelled to our dimension in search of the power of the gods… With a sacrifice in tow, Jolly James Hook aims to wake the God of Insanity and acquire its power of control over reality.” It is here that the heroes and villains of fairytales will meet, either making the choice to join or contest Jolly James Hook in his quest for ultimate power.

For those that would like to try Immortal Fray out for themselves before making a choice either way, there’s a demoavailable. The developer also has plans for a crowd-funding campaign in the future, but wants to make sure that the support is there before launching. And for any further information about this game, there’s an abundance of information at indieDB, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and the official website.

Even more importantly, get involved on the, where there’s everything from gameplay videos and concept art to polls about which fantasy fighter the community would next like to see. Do you want Little Red Riding Hood to finally battle it out with the Big Bad Wolf, or is it time for Santa to shake off the PG-13 act?

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