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Space Marine co-op mode coming early October, new trailer shows Thunder Hammer

A few weeks ago a hastily withdrawn official post on the Space Marine forums confirmed that Space Marine will have co-op , but suggested that it could arrive a month after release.

Kotakunow report that the forum post was entirely accurate. The co-op option will be a four player survival mode called Exterminatus, and will arenas will throw increasingly tough waves of enemies at players. It will be free, and out in early October.

Hopefully Exterminatus will let all four players wield Thunder Hammers at the same time. RPShave spotted a new Space Marine trailer showing off the magnificent weapon. A regular war hammer isn't dramatic enough for the armies of Warhammer 40,000, so the Imperium invented a hammer with a portable force field that explodes with every impact, creating a weapon better known colloquially as "The Swingy Boom-Splat." Check out the video above to find out why.

Space Marine is out next Tuesday in the US, and on Friday in Europe. Get an early taste with the Space Marine demo.

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