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Space Marine disappears from UK Steam store, demo out now

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Space Marine has vanished from the Steam store in the UK, which is going to make it harder for Brits to get hold of the new demo that's just been released.

RPShelpfully provide a workaround linkfor UK Steam users eager to brain some Orks.

It's unclear why Space Marine has vanished, but it reminds us of Brink's recent disappearance. That game didn't turn up until weeks after launch. Hopefully Space Marine won't suffer the same fate.

If the demo isn't enough to tide you over until Space Marine's release on September 6 in the US (September 9 in Europe), then check out the video interview with Space Marine's lead voice actor above. He offers various arguments supporting his decision to voice a Space Marine, though we all know the real reason. His name is MARK STRONG.

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