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The History Of Thief's Long Walk Out Of The Shadows

Back in 2009 the general manager for Eidos-Montreal announced that the studio was creating the next entry in the long-dormant Thief series.

Back in 2009 the general manager for Eidos-Montreal announced that the studio was creating the next entry in the long-dormant Thief series. Then the studio was silent. Rumors of cancellation and leaked videos kept fans on pins and needles for the next four years. Our cover story announcingthe Thief reboot marked the studio's emergence from the shadows with a focused and promising new game.

So what went wrong? Why was Eidos-Montreal quiet for so many years? Watch the video below to hear the leaders of the team explain why they announced the game so early, the missteps along the way, and why they are now confident in their new vision for Thief.

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