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Dev Links: Dreamscapes

“”It was a six-week project.


Gorgeous games abound in today’s Developer Links, including Monaco, ExtraSolar and Sir, You Are Being Hunted.

A Journey to Monaco: Andy Schatz Looks Back(Gamasutra)
“”It was a six-week project. It was going to be an Xbox Live Indie Games release.””

The March of Progress(Lazy 8 Studios)
“It’s been a while since we last said anything about Lazy 8’s next game, Extrasolar. You might think this means we stopped working on it but in actuality we’ve been working on Extrasolar almost exclusively since then.”

ModJam: After Action Report(Unknown Worlds)
“Last week, UWE held a ModJam. Five days, three teams, three games: All using the Spark Engine. You can read daily updates from the jam here – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Today, we sat down to think about what went wrong, what went right, and what is going to happen to each of these mods.”

The Video Game Kickstarter Report – Week of May 3(Zeboyd Games)

Mailbag: Frameworks, Canvas vs DOM, Native mobile(Lost Decade Games)
“We often get email from readers or podcast listeners asking to expand on certain topics. Many of these questions can be of value to all our readers so I’m going to start posting them Q&A style on the blog now and then. So, without further ado, on to this installment of LDG Mailbag!”

Joe Danger Touch gets updated!(Hello Games)
“Good news! Today we released an update to Joe Danger Touch!”

Gratuitous Solar Charts(Positech Games)
“Sooo..after roughly a year, here is a chart showing the solar output from my 2.1kwp ground mounted solar array outside my office window: (The left axis is kilowatt hours, so 1,000w for an hour, or one ‘unit’ of power in the UK).”

And Another Gameplay Video! Tea And Biscuits All Round, I Say(Big Robot)

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