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Why Gearbox Is Making Battleborn And Not Borderlands 3

We unveiled Gearbox's next game Battleborn for our August cover story earlier this month.

for our August cover story earlier this month. Even though Gearbox is assisting in the development of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, a lot of fans are curious why the studio isn't focusing its effort on a new-gen Borderlands 3. While visiting the studio, we spoke with lead developers at Gearbox about why the studio is putting a heavy emphasis on new IP to coincide with the introduction of the new generation of consoles. Why not brand Battleborn as a Borderlands off-shoot? Why do they consider Battleborn the biggest game they've ever made? What else is Gearbox working on and what's the status of Furious 4? Watch the video to find out!

Watch the video feature below to learn the inside story of Battleborn's development and what it's like for a studio to turn down creating a sequel to their most beloved IP.

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