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Blood Roofs’ Runs Onto The App Store

‘Blood Roofs’ Runs Onto The App Store
Posted by Sarah Bishop
Checking out the App Store and discovering that a new, unannounced game has arrived overnight is a time of mixed emotions.

Checking out the App Store and discovering that a new, unannounced game has arrived overnight is a time of mixed emotions. Everyone wants to get excited about what could possibly become the best thing since Temple Run . But nobody wants their heart broken by a game that turns out to be a flop. Luckily, I believe I can help you with this internal dilemma. Blood Roofs may never be the new Angry Birds , but it sure is looking good to me.

Blood Roofs is best defined as an endless runner. But please, hear me out— it isn’t just another generic runner attempting to coast off of the fame of a particular member of its genre. Blood Roofs employs an interesting two-character mechanic: “Jake,” the shirtless male protagonist, carries “Catherine,” the (thankfully fully clothed) female protagonist as he runs across rooftops infested with bloodthirsty monsters. Normally I would be inclined to bristle at such a setup, but Catherine isn’t just along for the ride— she has a gun, and she’s not afraid to use it.

The dynamic duo work together in an attempt to escape the city sliding into madness around them. Jake does the running (his poor partner is injured), Catherine does the shooting, and you control them both. The game mixes running, shooting, and horror to create something that certainly looks worth the money.

As stated in the video, there are also unlockable characters and powerups, which are always a plus. The game is selling on the App Storefor $2.99. The App is universal, so anyone with an iPad, iPod Touch, or iPhone can play it. If you’re a fan of runners, you should certainly check Blood Roofs out. And if you’re someone who thinks the runner genre was getting a little stale, I urge you to try it out as well.

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