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World of Tanks launches month-long Domination event

What are tanks for, if not domination?

World of Tanks

What are tanks for, if not domination? Actually, wait, there's probably a legitimate answer to that question—something to do with supporting infantry, or as a replacement to cavalry; horses having become increasingly obsolete with the advent of mechanised warfare.

Okay, tanks have lots of uses, and one of those uses is domination. Case in point: World of Tanks is full of tanks, and it's dedicating this entire month to a special Domination event.

Three special vehicles are available for the event—the AMX 50 B (D), the Object 140 (D) and the Т110Е5 (D)—all of which are Tier 10 monstrosities.

Unlike other WoT modes, Domination allows players to respawn into a new vehicle after death. Hence: Victory Points, earned by capturing flags and destroying enemy players. No, it's not exactly the most original idea in multiplayer gaming, but it might make for a nice change from World of Tanks' usual modes.

For more details, head over to the official World of Tanks website.

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