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The Walking Dead: Michonne wraps up next week

What We Deserve, the third and final part of Telltale's The Walking Dead: Michonne , will be out on April 26.

, will be out on April 26. Ahead of that, Telltale has put up another “Your Choices” video that reveals some of the decisions players made as they worked their way through the previous episode. It's about as pleasant as you'd expect, and be warned: There are many spoilers.

As it turns out, Michonne—which is to say, you, you blood-soaked monsters—has both a talent and a taste for the ugly business of killing. Which isn't really all that surprising, I suppose, given that The Walking Dead as a whole isn't exactly known as the sort of fictional world in which people like to sit down and talk things out. Still, you try to do what's right... Right?

“In 'What We Deserve,' feeling the weight of choices both recent and long ago, Michonne tries to protect an innocent family... but Norma and the vengeful Monroe crew are closing in,” Telltale explained. “As reality shatters and the ghosts of the daughters she abandoned demand to be heard, your choices will determine who lives, who dies, and what redemption really means in a world gone to hell.”

My prediction: Nobody lives, everybody dies, and redemption is a cold, dreamless void spat from the barrel of a gun. Find out more at Telltalegames.com.

The Walking Dead Michonne

The Walking Dead Michonne

The Walking Dead Michonne

The Walking Dead Michonne

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