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Guild Wars 2 is now cheaper by ten bucks

Because warring should be available for everyone.

That's according to ArenaNet, anyway, which has cited player accessibility as one of their primary reasons for the adjustment.

Guild Wars 2's price point has been lowered by a tenner for both the digital and digital deluxe editions, bringing them down to $50 and $70 respectively. While it's not a massive difference, it's an interesting time to be implementing a permanent discount—episodic content, such as what we've seen of the, has been coming out of the MMO at a rabbit-breeding pace, and there's only more to come. Additionally, ArenaNet says that "record numbers of people" are playing. Could this be a sign that free-to-play is now so thoroughly dominating the MMO scene that it's lowering the price point for even subscriptionless MMOs?

In any case, if you've been wanting to check out GW2 and a $10 drop is enough to sway you, scoot on over to the Guild Wars 2 website.

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