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Gay marriage in Runes of Magic

In Runes of Magic's upcoming 3.0.3 patch, people can have their characters marry other toons, have kids, or get adopted, and - gasp!

runes of magic wedding thumb

In Runes of Magic's upcoming 3.0.3 patch, people can have their characters marry other toons, have kids, or get adopted, and - gasp! - you can even have your male character marry another male character.

Frogster are implementing a host of relationships within the framework of the Free to Play MMO, including family and bonds of friendship with up to 20 people - clearly a boon for the RP lovers, for whom the meek WoW-copying I somewhat thrashed it formight not matter as much as the ability to roleplay having a gay squeeze or a gruff uncle with angel wings. It's nice to think that this is a victory for gay rights, but it's probably just a ploy to get two buxom elf ladies to snog.

Play it here.

[via Kotaku]

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