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The Witcher is being made into a movie

The Witcher is the sort of video game franchise that just about begs to be made into a movie.

Witcher 1

is the sort of video game franchise that just about begs to be made into a movie. In fact, it's already happened, sort of: While the vast majority of people in North America first encountered Geralt and company through the game trilogy, he originally came to life in a series of short stories and novelsby Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski.

He's also appeared in a television series and, yes, even a movie, although according to Wikipediait was just a pre-release edit of the TV series and not very good. A proper Witcher film may be coming to theaters in the not-too-distant future, however, as Polish production company Platige Imagehas announced a partnership with US-based Sean Daniel Companyto create a full-length feature film based on Sapkowski's novels.

"The film will be an introduction to the Witcher’s world and is planned to be the beginning of a series," Platige said in a press release. "Thania St. John, an experienced Hollywood scriptwriter, author of such television productions as ‘Grimm’, ‘Chicago Fire’ and ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’, is working on the script as well as on its film and television continuation."

So it's not a movie version of the games—perhaps disappointing for fans of CD Projekt's version of the world—but that does leave open the door for a video game tie-in, which might be really cool. You have to admit, this Witcher stuff sounds like it'd make a pretty good game.

Platige said the Witcher film is meant for international distribution, so you won't have to fly to Poland to watch it, and hopes to have it ready for release sometime in 2017.

Thanks, Polygon.

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