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The Long Dark's first in-game screenshots crashland with new community forums

It's been a few quiet months for The Long Dark , the post-apocalyptic survival game successfully Kickstarted last fall.

, the post-apocalyptic survival game successfully Kickstarted last fall. Now the first in-game screenshots have surfaced to herald the arrival of a new set of community forums, and they look handsome. The screens, I mean, they look handsome. The forums are nice, too.

The Long Dark is a survival game, but not in a run-and-gun flavor. You'll need to carfully manage your food, energy, and warmth levels as you move around and set up camp after surviving an airplane crash. We're excited to see what The Long Dark's developers, with resumes including Far Cry 3, Saints Row, and League of Legends, can do when they're funded with fans' money and unfettered by corporate structures. If nothing else, it should be a fascinating look at the survival genre that isn't (as far we know) staggering around with zombies.

For more information, check out The Long Dark's new forumsor their successful Kickstarterpage. The Long Dark is still on track for a PC release later this year.

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