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Edge of Eternity is an Indie Tribute to J-RPG Classics

It’s worth noting that the trailer above showcases a game in its pre-Alpha state.

It’s worth noting that the trailer above showcases a game in its pre-Alpha state. The upcoming indie RPG takes on a Bahamut of a task – creating a worthy tribute to the pantheon of classic J-RPGs.

Unlike many classics, however, Edge of Eternity won’t put players on a monorail plotline. Instead, the open world encourages exploration, features branching storylines, and holds many side quests. The harmonious lands of Heryon, home to magical crystals granting three lands access to power, almost fell prey to invaders arriving in a massive spaceship. The defenders succeeded, but the last actions of the attackers poisoned the land for 30 years with a biological weapon. The story picks up with players meeting Daryon, a fugitive who quickly meets up with a second character, Selen.

The creators enable a choice between Active Time Battling, where a bar fills up to let a character perform an action, or a turn-based system. As the characters level up by battling, so does their equipment, which evolves uniquely. Wielded weapons have crystal slots where party members can customize their abilities further. Factors like time of day affect encounters as well, so certain monsters can be stronger or weaker during night or day cycles.

As for music in the game, of particular note is the composer who will be enlisted for the project: Yasunori Mitsuda, a Japanese artist who worked on titles such as Chrono Trigger, Xenosaga, Kid Icarus: Uprising , and others. He intends to join the team on the condition that the Kickstarter goal for Edge of Eternity is met.

This is Midgar Studio’s second attempt at gathering funding for the game; they canceled their first attempt in late 2013. Having decreased the scope of the project a lot and focusing on fewer platforms, the studio’s goal is now $44,000. They’re aiming for a December 2015 release for PC (Win, Mac, Linux), with console releases if stretch goals are met. Pledging $15 or more nets a digital copy of Edge of Eternity.

Check out the Kickstarter campaignfor details on the project, and look to IGM for updates as they develop.

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