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IGM Freebies Giveaway! (March 6, 2014)

Welcome back everyone, to another edition of IGM Freebies .

. If you’re new to the giveaway and haven’t seen the Rules of Entry before, they can be found here. Just to remind everyone of the format, here is how the contest works:

We will ask four Trivia Questions every week, but each participant must choose and answer only one . The first five participants from each question category who answer correctly will win. So if five people have already answered one of the questions, don’t despair, just choose a different question to participate. Questions can be answered out of order, so strategize and pick whichever one you like. (Remember to add #IGMFreebies to your comment.)

This week, we’re giving out 20 codes for the iOS Block buster Blowfish Meets Meteor , courtesy of tonight’s sponsor Sky Tyrannosaur. (You can check out the game’s page on the App Store hereafter the contest.)

All right, without further ado, let’s get this giveaway rolling (giving?). Here are this week’s IGM Freebies Trivia Questions (Remember to only answer one):

1) According to our news coverage of Abyss Odyssey , what game failed to deliver on the promises Odyssey might potentially fulfill?

2) What final score did Out There , a space exploration game made by Miclos Studios, receive in our review?

3) What is the name of the development studio responsible for the much-anticipated Goat Simulator game?

4) What type of food item must El Penguinocollect while on his mission to save the world’s supply of avocados.

Good luck to all our participants! Thanks again to our sponsor! Winners will receive a direct message from us shortly – via the social network they used to log in – with a download code for this week’s giveaway. Thanks for playing! Tune in next week for another round of IGM Freebies. Same bat-time (usually!), Same bat-channel (definitely!).

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