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Battlefield 4 getting a seven-day double XP event for all players

Like a headshot you never saw coming, a game crash in Battlefield 4 just isn't fun at all.

just isn't fun at all. But a sudden death in always gives you chance to do better the next time, while crashes just leave you feeling empty and XP-less. In response to some of the well-known stability issuesaffecting BF4 at the moment, DICE is handing out a week's worth of double XP starting November 28, according to a press release.

"I am extremely proud of the people at DICE and everyone across EA that contributed to the development of Battlefield 4," said DICE general manager Karl Magnus Troedsson in a press release. "However, I am less proud to see that the game has experienced some turbulence during the launch period. While some platforms have had only minor problems, others have had more than their fair share of issues. Resolving the launch issues is our No. 1 priority. In fact, we are so serious that we have the entire team working to stabilize the game and we will not move on to other projects until we are sure that Battlefield 4 meets—and exceeds—your expectations. It is the right thing to do."

Well all hands on deck then, I guess. In addition to the seven days of double XP, Troedsson is promising a previously unavailable pistol scope for your M1911 if you log into BF4 multiplayer on the last day of the event, Dec. 5. If you've been playing regularly you've already seen a steady stream of patchesand updates since the game launched on October 29. After putting over 170 hours into Battlefield 3—not much, I know—I have to admit the recent crashes have kept me from putting the kind of time into its sequel that I normally would. Let's hope the full-on assault on stability issuesTroedsson is describing pays dividends beyond a few quick levels and rights the ship for good.

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